User Information and Enquiry Guide

(Version: September 2022)

This User Information and Enquiry Guide (this “Guide”) is intended for law enforcement agencies seeking user information ("User Information") regarding users ("Users") of the services of AlgoEd Limited (a company incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (“AlgoEd”). Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised terms shall have the same meaning as used in the Web Membership Agreement.

This Guide forms part of the Terms and shall be read together with the other Terms and may be subject to changes without notice, and applies only to requests from law enforcement agencies. Nothing in this Guide shall be used to create, or be contrued as impacting any legal obligations or any enforceable rights against AlgoEd or otherwise alter AlgoEd's legal and equitable defenses. AlgoEd reserves all rights to the interpretation and application of this Guide.

1. General

AlgoEd understands there will be times when our assistance will be required to help law enforcement agencies in the performance of their duties. AlgoEd is committed to a high standard of business conduct in our relationships with our users, customers, suppliers, and business partners. We strive to be a good citizen and conduct ourselves in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations while respecting the privacy of our users, customers, suppliers, and business partners.

In observing the above values and principles, except as provided below, AlgoEd will not disclose or release any User Content or Personal Data of Users without a valid, legally binding request (such as a subpoena, search warrant, court order, or other legal process) ("Request") served on the appropriate contact through proper channels. AlgoEd reserves its right to reject, in whole or in part, Requests that conflict with Hong Kong and other applicable laws and regulations or that are otherwise inappropriate.

2. Contact Information

A Request for User Information must be sent to the following email address

3. Required Information

We require law enforcement agencies to provide us with the following information before we can process any Request:

  1. Signed copy of the Request;
  2. Your full contact details, including but not limited to name, email address, telephone number, and physical address;
  3. Credentials and documentary proof for verifying your identity as a law enforcement agency;
  4. Detailed identification information of the targeted person(s), including all known names, aliases, IP addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, member IDs, and, if applicable, relevant website(s) and domain(s);
  5. Detailed description of the User Information requested, including time frame;
  6. Statement of the nature of the investigations or proceedings for which the User Information is required;
  7. Recitation of the applicable legal grounds for the Request; and
  8. Documentary evidence of a subpoena, search warrant, court order, or other legal process.

4. Information That May Be Disclosed

While we endeavor to assist you to the best of our ability, our ability to disclose information may vary based on the type of information requested and AlgoEd’s website(s) involved as our ability is governed by Hong Kong laws and regulations and/or the laws and regulations of other applicable jurisdictions. If you have any questions regarding the type of information that a our website may disclose, please contact the email listed in Clause 2 above.

5. Discretion In Emergencies

Subject to applicable laws and regulations, AlgoEd reserves its right to voluntarily disclose User Information in response to urgent law enforcement requests in cases involving immediate threats to public safety or risk of harm to any person, provided that we are assured that an appropriate Request that meets the requirements recited in this Guide will follow promptly in due course.

6. Cost Reimbursement

AlgoEd reserves all rights to require any law enforcement agency to reimburse the costs incurred in responding to a Request.

7. Other Enquiries

For general questions and customer service related enquiries, not related to specific Request(s), User Information, or our website(s), the most direct way would be to contact us via email at Please note that this email address neither accepts nor receives service of legal documents and will not be responsive to unrelated enquiries.

For reporting of any suspected intellectual property infringement claim or unlawful activity by any of AlgoEd’s website Users, please email